I've done triathlons, but I'll never be as tall as you, so...

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No, but I can't swim. And I feel the same inadequacy about it. I told myself I am going to learn this year. Ugh. At least with bikes you don't have to put your face in the water while not breathing. :)

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The movie of that scene with your Swissmiss playing in my frontal cortex: PRICELESS

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I hope you come to love biking. It is a wonderful thing to do with your kids. I am at the other extreme, growing up in Baltimore in a family with no car. My bike was my ticket to exploring my city and my friends and I went everywhere. I am now living in a city where I have mostly given up my car dependence and ride everywhere. It seems to affect our kids: all my now-grown kids ride, and my oldest is a professional mt. bike racer (though now a nurse and retired from serious racing).

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